Autogenerated input type of UpdateOwnershipAndPolicies
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input UpdateOwnershipAndPoliciesInput {
- # A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
- String :
- # Run the mutation with no side effects in validate-only mode. When true, the
- # inputs will be validated and errors will be returned, but the mutation will not
- # perform any actions.
- Boolean :
- # ID of metadata
- ID! :
- # List of composers
- EditComposerObject!] : [
- # JSON Object for music video rights
- EditRightsObject :
- # JSON object for sound recording rights
- EditRightsObject :
- # JSON object for composition rights
- EditRightsObject :
- # JSON object for web rights
- EditRightsObject :
- # Rights policy for youtube
- MediaPolicyType :
- # Rights policy for facebook
- MediaPolicyType :
- # Which part of the O&P flow needs validation.
- OwnershipPoliciesSection :
- }