
The metadata on an album

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type AlbumMetadata {
  • # List of Collaborating Artists for the album this metadata is associated with
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # roles: [Not documented]
  • collaborating_artists(roles: [CollaboratingArtistRole!]): [CollaboratingArtist!]!
  • copyright_name: String
  • copyright_year: Int
  • genre: String
  • # Genre for the album associated with this metadata
  • genre_enum: Genre
  • id: ID!
  • label: String
  • name: String
  • # Date at which this album is released or going to be released
  • release_date: DateTime
  • secondary_genre: String
  • # Secondary Genre enum for the media associated to this metadata
  • secondary_genre_enum: Genre
  • # locations that this album is valid in, if it is worldwide, the array is ["WW"]
  • territories: [String!]!
  • type: AlbumType
  • upc: String
  • # User ID that created this album
  • user_id: ID!
  • }