
A media and its associated payee asset fields for a payee invitation

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type PayeeMediaSplit {
  • # Date when payor created payee asset splits
  • created_at: DateTime!
  • id: ID!
  • # The media for the payee invitation
  • media: Media!
  • # Asset id for music video
  • music_video_asset_id: ID @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Payee asset id for music video
  • music_video_payee_asset_split_id: ID @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Music video royalty percentage on asset split
  • music_video_percentage: Float
  • # Translated phrase for payee asset split status for music video
  • music_video_status_phrase: String!
  • # The payor of the payee invitation
  • payor: User!
  • # Asset id for sound recording
  • sound_recording_asset_id: ID @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Payee asset id for sound recording
  • sound_recording_payee_asset_split_id: ID
  • # Sound recording royalty percentage on asset split
  • sound_recording_percentage: Float
  • # Translated phrase for payee asset split status for sound recording
  • sound_recording_status_phrase: String!
  • # Status of the asset split. One of values in Enum PayeeAssetSplitStatus
  • status: String!
  • total_earnings: Float!
  • }