
An invite from a payor to a payee

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type PayeeInvite {
  • # Time when the invite was archived
  • archived_at: DateTime
  • # Payee invite is or isnt for a charity
  • charity: Boolean!
  • # The payee is a charity
  • charity_invite: Boolean
  • # Unique code generated for this record
  • code: String!
  • # Time when the invite was created
  • created_at: DateTime!
  • # Payee email address
  • email: String!
  • # Payee first name
  • first_name: String!
  • id: ID!
  • # Payee last name
  • last_name: String!
  • # The payee user
  • payee: User
  • # Assets that the Payee has been invited to share revenue on. Cursor results are
  • # of type Asset
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # asset_type: [Not documented]
  • payee_assets_cursor(
  • status: PayeeAssetSplitStatus,
  • asset_type: PayeeAssetType
  • ): PayeeAssets!
  • payee_id: ID
  • # The payor user
  • payor: Payor!
  • # Payee phone number
  • phone_number: String!
  • total_earnings: Float!
  • # Time when the invite was updated
  • updated_at: DateTime!
  • }