
Collection of medias to be sent out under an album to partner networks

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Album {
  • # Album can have a list of medias and are surfed through as a cursor
  • album_medias_cursor: AlbumMedias!
  • archived: Boolean!
  • artist: Artist!
  • artist_id: ID!
  • branding: Branding!
  • # Arguments
  • # exclude_duplicate_networks: [Not documented]
  • # include_only_socials: [Not documented]
  • broadcasts(
  • exclude_duplicate_networks: Boolean,
  • include_only_socials: Boolean
  • ): [Broadcast!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: non cursors are deprecated, use `Album.broadcasts_cursor` field instead" )
  • # Count of broadcasts for an album
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • broadcasts_count(input: BroadcastsCursorInput): Int!
  • # Broadcasts for an album
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • broadcasts_cursor(input: BroadcastsCursorInput): [Broadcast!]!
  • created_at: DateTime!
  • current_user_pretty_album_revenue: String!
  • extra_links: [ExtraLink!]!
  • # Checks if there are any links to display on smartlinks
  • extra_links_enabled: Boolean!
  • # Extra links title shown on smartlinks page if enabled
  • extra_links_title: String!
  • file_upload: FileUpload
  • # boolean value to see if the album has tracks
  • has_tracks: Boolean!
  • id: ID!
  • is_distributed: Boolean!
  • # album messages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • messages(input: MessagesCursorInput): [Message!]!
  • # any more album messages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • messages_any_more_results(input: MessagesCursorInput): Boolean!
  • # count of album messages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • messages_count(input: MessagesCursorInput): Int!
  • metadata: AlbumMetadata!
  • # list of partners an album is released to
  • partners: [AlbumPartnerData!]!
  • # boolean result of remaining list of partners
  • partners_any_more_results: Boolean!
  • # total number of partners an album is released to
  • partners_count: Int!
  • private_url: String!
  • # List of releases for the album
  • releases: [Release!]!
  • slug: String
  • slug_updated_at: DateTime
  • smartlink_url: String!
  • user: User!
  • user_id: ID!
  • video_album: Boolean!
  • video_album_media: Media
  • }