
A facebook page

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type FacebookPage implements Social {
  • # Flag to check if this is archived
  • archived: Boolean!
  • # Artist connected to this social
  • artist: Artist!
  • # List of artists connected to this social
  • artists: [Artist!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # List of artists already syncing
  • artists_already_syncing: [Artist!]!
  • created_at: DateTime!
  • # Associated deployer name
  • deployer_name: String
  • # Page ID of the user on Facebook
  • graph_page_id: String!
  • # User ID on Facebook
  • graph_user_id: String!
  • # Username on Facebook
  • graph_user_name: String
  • # Flag to check if there's an authentication error
  • had_auth_failure: Boolean
  • id: ID!
  • # Instagram Business Account object related to a facebook page user
  • instagram_business_account: InstagramBusinessAccount
  • # If the page is already enabled for social sync
  • is_already_syncing: Boolean!
  • # Flag to check if the Page is connecting
  • is_connecting: Boolean!
  • # Flag to check if the social is syncing
  • is_syncing: Boolean
  • likes: Int!
  • # Name of Page on Facebook
  • name: String!
  • # Flag for checking if the social needs reconnection
  • needs_reconnect: Boolean!
  • # Network Object for a network associated with a social
  • network: Network
  • # Network ID for a network associated with a social
  • network_id: Int
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • reconnect_url(success_path: String, error_path: String): String
  • release_broadcast_uid: String
  • # Model name on Vydia Platform related to a Social
  • social_model_name: String
  • # Social Sync Config Object for a social that is opted for syncing
  • sync_config: SyncConfig
  • # Get the size of the thumbnail
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # size: [Not documented]
  • thumbnail_url(size: String!): String!
  • # Title of this Social
  • title: String
  • token: String!
  • updated_at: DateTime!
  • # URL for a social
  • url: String
  • }