
When content (Media or Album) is released (Release), the destinations (Networks) are indicated by the Release's list of Broadcasts. The Broadcast object contains details and status information that can be used to determine a piece of content's live-status on a Network. Note that one piece of content can have multiple releases, and in some cases one piece of content may have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network on different Releases; however, a single release should never have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Broadcast {
  • deploy_at: DateTime
  • # broadcast's destination deploy status
  • deploy_status: DestinationStatuses! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • deploying_since: DateTime
  • description: String
  • distributed_at: DateTime
  • downgraded_at: DateTime
  • # Flag If a broadcast has failed
  • failed: Boolean!
  • failure_reason: String
  • id: ID!
  • # Network associated with a broadcast
  • network: Network!
  • # Arguments
  • # format: [Not documented]
  • pretty_scheduled_time(
  • format: PrettyTimeFormat
  • ): String @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: field deprecated use `Broadcast.scheduled_time` instead" )
  • # Release that owns a broadcast
  • release: Release
  • release_id: ID!
  • scheduled_time: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Determines which social does this broadcast belong to
  • social: Social
  • status: String!
  • # Get the size of the thumbnail
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # size: [Not documented]
  • thumbnail_url(size: ThumbnailSize!): String!
  • title: String!
  • # If the user is unauthorized on a broadcast
  • unauthorized: Boolean!
  • video_url: String
  • }