
The query root of this schema

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Query {
  • # Find the current album by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • album(id: ID!): Album!
  • # get all Album slugs
  • album_slugs: [String!]!
  • # Find one of the current user's Artists by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • artist(id: ID!): Artist!
  • # List out all Artists for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # with_vevo_videos: [Not documented]
  • artists(
  • with_vevo_videos: Boolean
  • ): [Artist!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: deprecated, use `User.artists` field on me instead" )
  • # List out all the balance adjustments for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # cursor: [Not documented]
  • balance_adjustments_cursor(cursor: DateTime): BalanceAdjustments!
  • branding: Branding!
  • # Find one of the current user's Composers by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • composer(id: ID!): Composer!
  • # Objects of country
  • countries: [Country!]
  • current_observer: User
  • # Get data about an Instagram business account's daily reach and impressions
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # business_account_id: [Not documented]
  • # day_count: [Not documented]
  • daily_instagram_business_account_insights(
  • business_account_id: ID!,
  • day_count: Int!
  • ): InstagramBusinessAccountInsights! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • earnings_statements_sources: [EarningsTransformerSources!]!
  • # Decide which Experiment (a/b test) variant to use for the current user, given
  • # the name of an experiment.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # name: [Not documented]
  • experiment(name: ExperimentName!): SplitTest!
  • # Login URL for Facebook OAuth
  • facebook_login_url: String!
  • # Give most recent five videos from an array of given facebook pages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # page_ids: [Not documented]
  • # artist_id: [Not documented]
  • facebook_page_top_videos(
  • page_ids: [ID!]!,
  • artist_id: ID!
  • ): [FacebookTopVideo!] @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Gets all the available Genres from our system
  • genres: [String!]!
  • # Gets all the available Genres from our system
  • genres_list: [GenreObject!]!
  • # Get geocountry by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # shortcode: [Not documented]
  • geocountry(id: ID, shortcode: String): Geocountry
  • # Get translation strings for screens and components.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # locale: [Not documented]
  • i18n(locale: I18nLocale): I18n!
  • # Give most recent five videos from the instagram pages of an array of given
  • # facebook pages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # facebook_page_ids: [Not documented]
  • # artist_id: [Not documented]
  • instagram_business_account_top_videos(
  • facebook_page_ids: [ID!]!,
  • artist_id: ID!
  • ): SafeInstagramBusinessTopVideos! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Get information about the currently logged in user
  • me: User!
  • # Gets the currently logged in user, returning null if no user is signed in
  • me_or_null: User
  • # Find the current media by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • media(id: ID!): Media!
  • # Gets all the available languages for an audio track.
  • media_languages: [MediaLanguage!]!
  • # Gets all the available media sub categories for our system
  • media_subcategories: [MediaSubCategory!]!
  • # List out all the medias for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # sort_by: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • # search_term: [Not documented]
  • # supports_release: [Not documented]
  • # with_file_upload: Deprecated
  • # audio_type: [Not documented]
  • medias_cursor(
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • sort_by: String,
  • sort_order: String,
  • search_term: String,
  • supports_release: Boolean,
  • with_file_upload: Boolean,
  • audio_type: Boolean
  • ): Medias!
  • # Returns the minimum version number for checking if the banner should be shown to
  • # the user
  • min_acceptable_mobile_version: String! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Arguments
  • # network_ids: [Not documented]
  • networks(network_ids: [ID!]!): [Network!]!
  • # List out all networks which have any supported_policy_types
  • networks_with_supported_policy_types: [Network!]
  • # List out all the notifications for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # activity_log: [Not documented]
  • # search_term: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • notifications_cursor(
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • activity_log: Boolean,
  • search_term: String,
  • sort_order: SortOrder
  • ): Notifications!
  • observer_signed_in: Boolean!
  • password_authorized_until: DateTime
  • # Get payee invite for the code
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # code: [Not documented]
  • payee_invite(code: String!): PayeeInvite!
  • # Get information about a Braintree payment method nonce.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # nonce: [Not documented]
  • payment_method_nonce(nonce: String!): PaymentMethodNonce!
  • # Gets all the available performance_rights_organizations from our system
  • performance_rights_organizations: [PerformanceRightsOrganization!]!
  • # List of years for period
  • period_years: [Int!]!
  • # find a release by id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • release(id: ID!): Release!
  • # Find the current right from a media by ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # right_id: [Not documented]
  • right(right_id: ID!): Right!
  • # Give most recent five videos from an array of given facebook pages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # page_ids: [Not documented]
  • # artist_id: [Not documented]
  • safe_facebook_page_top_videos(
  • page_ids: [ID!]!,
  • artist_id: ID!
  • ): SafeFacebookTopVideos! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Give top five videos from a given youtube channel, this field is now deprecated
  • # and returns nil values
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # channel_id: [Not documented]
  • # artist_id: [Not documented]
  • safe_youtube_channel_top_videos(
  • channel_id: ID!,
  • artist_id: ID!
  • ): SafeYoutubeTopVideos! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Query information from the session cookie, such as notices and messages that
  • # should be displayed in the UI to the application user.
  • session: Session!
  • # Get global settings configured on the server
  • settings: Settings! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not cache safe, use fields on `Branding` object instead" )
  • # Find the shared album by encoded ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # secret: [Not documented]
  • # slug: [Not documented]
  • shared_album(secret: String, slug: String): Album
  • # Grouped statements
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • statement_groups(input: StatementsCursorInput): [StatementGroup!]!
  • # Number of grouped statements
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • statement_groups_count(input: StatementsCursorInput): Int!
  • # Networks that have a group connected
  • statement_networks: [Network!]!
  • # Fetch details about a particular tier ID
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • storage_tier(id: ID!): StorageTier!
  • storage_tiers: [StorageTier!]!
  • # Gets all the supported video types
  • supported_video_types: [SupportedVideo!]!
  • # Gets all the available ownership territories from our system
  • territories: [Territory!]!
  • # List out all the transactions for the current user
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # cursor: [Not documented]
  • transactions_cursor(cursor: DateTime): Transactions!
  • # List out all vevo youtube videos for the current user or given artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # artist_id: [Not documented]
  • vevo_youtube_videos(
  • artist_id: ID
  • ): [VevoYoutubeVideo!] @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Webpack asset version hashed paths for the current & latest front end assets
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # bundle: [Not documented]
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • webpack_asset_uris(
  • bundle: WebpackBundle!,
  • type: WebpackAssetType!
  • ): [String!]!
  • # Give top five videos from a given youtube channel
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # channel_id: [Not documented]
  • # artist_id: [Not documented]
  • youtube_channel_top_videos(
  • channel_id: ID!,
  • artist_id: ID!
  • ): [YoutubeTopVideo!] @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Login URL for YouTube OAuth
  • youtube_login_url: String!
  • }

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