
A Branding object contains all of a whitelabel organization's brand information and asset urls

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Branding {
  • application_url: String
  • carousel_items: [CarouselItem!]
  • custom_terms_of_use_url: String
  • dashboard_url: String
  • effective_video_description_url: String!
  • # Error color for branding theme
  • error_color: String!
  • faq_url: String!
  • favicon: String!
  • has_open_signup: Boolean!
  • # Header background color for branding theme
  • header_background_color: String!
  • # Header tab text color for branding theme
  • header_tab_text_color: String!
  • # Header tab text selected color for branding theme
  • header_tab_text_selected_color: String!
  • id: ID!
  • # Info color for branding theme
  • info_color: String!
  • # boolean value for if environment is production
  • is_production: Boolean
  • is_whitelabel: Boolean!
  • # Arguments
  • # variant: [Not documented]
  • logo_url(variant: BrandLogoVariant): String!
  • name: String!
  • nav_logo_url: String!
  • policies_learn_more_url: String!
  • # Primary color for branding theme
  • primary_color: String!
  • # Primary font fallback for branding theme
  • primary_font_fallback: String!
  • primary_font_family: String!
  • # Primary font name for branding theme
  • primary_font_name: String!
  • primary_font_url: String
  • # Primary gradient end for branding theme
  • primary_gradient_end: String!
  • # Primary gradient start for branding theme
  • primary_gradient_start: String!
  • privacy_policy_url: String!
  • render_privacy_policy: String!
  • render_terms_and_conditions: String!
  • request_invite_text: String
  • royalty_center_faq_url: String!
  • # Secondary color for branding theme
  • secondary_color: String!
  • # Secondary font fallback for branding theme
  • secondary_font_fallback: String!
  • secondary_font_family: String!
  • # Secondary font name for branding theme
  • secondary_font_name: String!
  • secondary_font_url: String
  • # Secondary gradient end for branding theme
  • secondary_gradient_end: String!
  • # Secondary gradient start for branding theme
  • secondary_gradient_start: String!
  • sign_in_additional_image_one_max_width_px: Int
  • sign_in_additional_image_one_url: String
  • sign_in_additional_image_two_max_width_px: Int
  • sign_in_additional_image_two_url: String
  • sign_in_background_image_url: String
  • sign_in_carousel_text_color: String
  • sign_in_custom_background_color: String
  • sign_in_custom_tagline: String
  • sign_in_gradient_end: String
  • sign_in_gradient_start: String
  • sign_in_logo_max_width_px: Int
  • sign_in_tagline_text_color: String
  • sign_in_template: BrandSignInTemplate!
  • # Success color for branding theme
  • success_color: String!
  • support_url: String!
  • terms_of_use_url: String!
  • # Tertiary color for branding theme
  • tertiary_color: String!
  • tipalti_faq_url: String!
  • # Warning color for branding theme
  • warning_color: String!
  • }