
An artist's media

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Media {
  • # List out all the albums for the media
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # search_term: [Not documented]
  • # sort_by: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • albums_cursor(
  • offset: Int!,
  • limit: Int!,
  • search_term: String,
  • sort_by: AlbumsSortBy,
  • sort_order: SortOrder
  • ): Albums!
  • artist: Artist
  • artist_id: ID
  • # The assets associated to this media
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # type: [Not documented]
  • assets(type: [AssetType!]): [Asset!]!
  • # media analytics by country
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • audio_analytics_by_country(
  • input: AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursorInput
  • ): [AudioAnalyticsByCountry!]!
  • # any more media analytics by country
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • audio_analytics_by_country_any_more_results(
  • input: AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursorInput
  • ): Boolean!
  • # count of media analytics by country
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • audio_analytics_by_country_count(
  • input: AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursorInput
  • ): Int!
  • belongs_to_published_album: Boolean!
  • # Count of broadcasts for a media
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • broadcasts_count(input: BroadcastsCursorInput): Int!
  • # Broadcasts for a media
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • broadcasts_cursor(input: BroadcastsCursorInput): [Broadcast!]!
  • # List of all broadcasts completed through a release for a media
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # exclude_duplicate_networks: [Not documented]
  • # include_only_socials: [Not documented]
  • # include_statuses: The statuses we want to include from the
  • # query
  • # network_type: The types of networks we want to include in the
  • # query
  • # include_all_statuses: [Not documented]
  • # exclude_archived_networks: [Not documented]
  • broadcasts_through_release(
  • exclude_duplicate_networks: Boolean,
  • include_only_socials: Boolean,
  • include_statuses: [BroadcastStatus!],
  • network_type: NetworkType,
  • include_all_statuses: Boolean,
  • exclude_archived_networks: Boolean
  • ): [Broadcast!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: non cursors are deprecated, use `Media.broadcasts` field instead" )
  • # Flag for this media's category can be changed
  • can_change_category: Boolean!
  • # Determines if this media can share royalties
  • can_share_royalties: Boolean!
  • # Category of the media either Web | Music
  • category: VideoCategory!
  • # External id to interface with chartmetric api
  • chartmetric_eid: String @deprecated( reason: "Chartmetric is deprecated" )
  • child_type: String
  • # Error that would be occur if assets were created for this media
  • create_media_assets_error_phrase: String
  • created_at: DateTime!
  • current_user_media_user: MediaUser @deprecated( reason: "Can not remove until mobile clients are sufficiently out of date" )
  • current_user_pretty_media_revenue: String!
  • default_release_description: String! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Estimated Total number of claimed views from this media. This is recorded in
  • # specified network's UGC Claims Report
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # network_name: [Not documented]
  • estimated_total_claimed_views(
  • network_name: UgcClaimsNetworkType
  • ): Int
  • # Estimated Total number of claims by vydia from this media. This is recorded in
  • # specified network's UGC Claims Report
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # network_name: [Not documented]
  • estimated_total_claims_by_vydia(
  • network_name: UgcClaimsNetworkType
  • ): Int
  • # The time when the media was created on the external platform of origin, such as
  • # Facebook or Instagram
  • external_created_at: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • external_url: String
  • file_song_name: String!
  • # Actual file associated to this media
  • file_upload: FileUpload
  • # The first time this media had a release that became confirmed
  • first_submitted_at: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • generator: String
  • has_active_recoupment: Boolean!
  • has_available_audio_analytics: Boolean!
  • has_available_video_analytics: Boolean!
  • # Media has a broadcast that was distributed to a social
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # network_type: [Not documented]
  • has_distributed_to(network_type: BroadcastType!): Boolean!
  • has_facebook_analytics: Boolean!
  • id: ID!
  • # The time when the media was imported via something like Social Sync or
  • # YouTube/Facebook import
  • imported_at: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # List of networks for which analytics are available
  • insights_available_networks: [NetworkAnalyticsNetworkType!]!
  • # List of networks for which analytics are available with the oldest date of data
  • insights_available_networks_with_oldest_date_of_data: [InsightsAvailableNetwork!]!
  • invalid_reasons: [InvalidMediaReason!]!
  • is_distributed: Boolean!
  • # If true, a file has been uploaded and is being imported into the system. If
  • # false, either there is no file or it's already been imported and can be viewed.
  • is_importing: Boolean!
  • # media messages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • messages(input: MessagesCursorInput): [Message!]!
  • # any more media messages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • messages_any_more_results(input: MessagesCursorInput): Boolean!
  • # count of media messages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • messages_count(input: MessagesCursorInput): Int!
  • metadata: Metadata
  • mp4_url: String
  • # Analytics for media on web and mobile are fetched here
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # date_resolution: [Not documented]
  • # date_lookback: Days or months to include from today or, if
  • # specified, days_ago_to_start
  • # include_empty_dates: [Not documented]
  • # network: [Not documented]
  • # days_ago_to_start: The number of days ago from today to begin
  • # looking from.
  • network_analytics(
  • date_resolution: NetworkAnalyticsDateResolution!,
  • date_lookback: Int,
  • include_empty_dates: Boolean,
  • network: NetworkAnalyticsNetworkType!,
  • days_ago_to_start: Int
  • ): MediaNetworkAnalytics!
  • original_url: String
  • # Finds if this media is owned by current user or a shared media
  • owned_by_current_user: Boolean
  • # Allows a media to be selectable in the asset split creation
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # payee_invite_id: [Not documented]
  • payee_already_invited(payee_invite_id: ID): Boolean!
  • # The time when the payee asset split associated with the media was terminated
  • payee_terminated_at: DateTime
  • pending_sync_intervention: Boolean! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Arguments
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # source: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # sort_by: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • playlists_analytics_cursor(
  • limit: Int!,
  • offset: Int!,
  • source: NetworkPlaylistSource!,
  • status: NetworkPlaylistStatus!,
  • sort_by: PlaylistAnalyticsSortBy,
  • sort_order: SortOrder
  • ): AnalyticsPlaylists!
  • pretty_client_revenue: String!
  • pretty_total_revenue: String! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • pretty_ugc_claims_count: String!
  • published_social_networks: [PublishedSocial!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # List of releases for the media
  • releases: [Release!]!
  • # The remaining percentage amount that is yet to be allocated to payees
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # right_type: [Not documented]
  • remaining_payee_percentage(right_type: RightType!): MediaRemainingPayeePercentage!
  • # Earnings Chart on Mobile & Web will have data from this field
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # min_date: [Not documented]
  • # max_date: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # months_to_subtract: [Not documented]
  • # month_count: [Not documented]
  • # include_empty_months: [Not documented]
  • revenues_by_month(
  • min_date: DateTime,
  • max_date: DateTime,
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • months_to_subtract: Int,
  • month_count: Int,
  • include_empty_months: Boolean
  • ): [RevenueByMonth!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Portion of composition rights asserted for the current user
  • shared_composition_percentage: Float
  • # The amount of balance accumulated by the current user on the shared media. Note
  • # that all assets are considered, not only MV & SR.
  • shared_earnings: Float
  • # Portion of music video rights asserted for the current user
  • shared_music_video_percentage: Float
  • # Portion of sound recording rights asserted for the current user
  • shared_sound_recording_percentage: Float
  • # Portion of web rights asserted for the current user
  • shared_web_percentage: Float
  • social_post_description: String
  • # Subcategory of the media
  • subcategory: String
  • # Flag to indicate whether or not the media can be represented with Composition
  • # Rights
  • supports_composition_rights: Boolean!
  • # Flag to indicate whether or not the media can be represented with Music Video
  • # Rights
  • supports_music_video_rights: Boolean!
  • # Flag to indicate whether or not the media can be represented with Sound
  • # Recording Rights
  • supports_sound_recording_rights: Boolean!
  • # Flag to indicate whether or not the media can be represented with Web Rights
  • # (a.k.a Exclusive Rights)
  • supports_web_rights: Boolean!
  • # The time when the user decided they do not want to protect this media, after
  • # being Social Sync imported
  • sync_canceled_at: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # The time when the media was released after being Social Sync imported
  • sync_released_at: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Arguments
  • # size: [Not documented]
  • thumbnail_url(size: ThumbnailSize): String
  • type: MediaType!
  • ugc_claims_count: Int! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Recent Claims date as recorded in UGC Claims MV
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # network_name: [Not documented]
  • ugc_claims_last_updated_at(
  • network_name: UgcClaimsNetworkType
  • ): DateTime
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # network_name: [Not documented]
  • # sort_by: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • ugc_claims_reports_cursor(
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • network_name: UgcClaimsNetworkType,
  • sort_by: UgcClaimsSortBy,
  • sort_order: SortOrder
  • ): UgcClaimsReportCursor!
  • ugc_views_vydia_owns: Int! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Random string that acts a identification key on user front
  • upload_key: String!
  • user: User!
  • # Checks if the user of this media archived
  • user_archived: Boolean!
  • user_id: ID!
  • video_type: SupportedVideo
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc(input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput): [YoutubeUgc!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_any_more_results(
  • input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput
  • ): Boolean!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_count(input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput): Int!
  • # When the most recent YouTube Ugc report was ingested into Vydia's Database
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_latest_reports_ingested_at(
  • input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput
  • ): DateTime!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_totals(input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput): [YoutubeUgcTotals!]!
  • youtube_url: String
  • }

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