
Autogenerated return type of CreateJwt

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type CreateJwtPayload {
  • # A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
  • clientMutationId: String
  • # If the authenticated session indicates that the main user is observing a
  • # sub-user, the current_observer response object will contain the observer User
  • # object.
  • current_observer: User
  • # If the request is authenticated, the current_user response object will contain
  • # the authenticated User object.
  • current_user: User
  • errors: [UserError!]
  • # Indicates the time when the JWT will no longer be valid. Should correspond to
  • # current_time + ttl.
  • expires_at: DateTime
  • # The resulting token which can be used to authenticate API requests using the
  • # HTTP_AUTHORIZATION Basic header, or ?jwt= query param in non-production
  • # environments.
  • jwt: String
  • }