A one of a user's Releases
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Release {
- # Returns true if platform admins completed their work on this release
- Boolean! :
- # Returns an album that is associated with the release, mutually exclusive with
- # Release
- Album :
- # Returns album metadata that is associated with the release, mutually exclusive
- # with Release
- AlbumMetadata @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" ) :
- Artist :
- # List of all broadcasts that are created with a release
- Broadcast!]! : [
- # Returns a value that can be either Music | Web
- String! :
- String @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" ) :
- String @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" ) :
- # The most recent time the release was confirmed
- DateTime! :
- DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: deprecated, use `Broadcast.deploy_at` field instead" ) :
- # Returns a description mentioned for a release of any broadcast related to a
- # release
- String :
- # The most recent time the release had a broadcast distributed
- DateTime :
- # Time when the earliest broadcast is deployed
- DateTime :
- # Returns a song name that is either mentioned in the media metadata or it
- # generates a song name with untitled
- String! :
- # The first time the release was confirmed
- DateTime :
- # Returns a boolean value if any broadcast in the release has failed
- Boolean @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" ) :
- ID! :
- # Returns a display text with service name and ID
- String! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" ) :
- # If the release has any premium networks
- Boolean! :
- # The most recent time the release was confirmed
- DateTime :
- # Returns a media that is associated with the release, mutually exclusive with
- # Album
- Media :
- # release messages
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: [Not documented]
- MessagesCursorInput): [Message!]! ( :
- # any more release messages
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: [Not documented]
- MessagesCursorInput): Boolean! ( :
- # count of release messages
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: [Not documented]
- MessagesCursorInput): Int! ( :
- # The networks the release will be released to
- Network!]! : [
- Boolean! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" ) :
- # Pending Steps to complete the release and ready for deploy
- String!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" ) : [
- Boolean! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" ) :
- # Returns a value that can either be Monetize | Distribute | Promote
- String! :
- String! :
- # Returns a subcategory for the media associated with a release
- String :
- # The most recent time the release was confirmed
- DateTime :
- # Returns a value that can either be Video | Audio
- String! :
- User! :
- }
link Require by
- AlbumCollection of medias to be sent out under an album to partner networks
- ArtistAn artist profile
- BroadcastWhen content (Media or Album) is released (Release), the destinations (Networks) are indicated by the Release's list of Broadcasts. The Broadcast object contains details and status information that can be used to determine a piece of content's live-status on a Network. Note that one piece of content can have multiple releases, and in some cases one piece of content may have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network on different Releases; however, a single release should never have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network.
- CreateAlbumReleasePayloadAutogenerated return type of CreateAlbumRelease
- CreateReleasePayloadAutogenerated return type of CreateRelease
- MediaAn artist's media
- NewAdminMessageA Notification with type: new_admin_message
- NewMessageA Notification with type: new_message
- OrganizationReleaseCreatedA Notification with type: organization_release_created
- QueryThe query root of this schema
- ReleaseCalendarItemA Release Calendar Item
- ReleaseConfirmationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ReleaseConfirmation
- ReleasesWrapper for releases with an any_more_results argument
- StatusUpdatedA Notification with type: status_updated
- UpdateOwnershipAndPoliciesPayloadAutogenerated return type of UpdateOwnershipAndPolicies
- UploadFinishedA Notification with type: upload_finished
- UserA user account. All fields are for an authorized user, except for email