
Social Sync Configuration Object is when user opts for social sync. This object contains IDs for each social the user opts syncing for

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type SyncConfig {
  • # Default Subcategory for Social Sync is music
  • default_subcategory: String
  • # Social Sync for Facebook
  • facebook_page_id: ID
  • # Checks if the user has full rights to syncing
  • has_full_rights: Boolean!
  • id: ID!
  • # Social Sync for Instagram Business Account
  • instagram_business_account_id: ID @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • is_default_subcategory: Boolean @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Flag for the user is syncing
  • is_syncing: Boolean!
  • # Human readable default subcategory
  • pretty_default_subcategory: String
  • # Flag for the subcategory is autofilled
  • subcategory_autofilled: Boolean! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Date at which the webhook expires
  • webhook_lease_expires_at: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Social Sync for YouTube
  • youtube_channel_id: ID
  • }