Represents a date time, serialized in the ISO8601 format.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar DateTime
link Require by
- A2VConversionFailedA Notification with type: a2v_conversion_failed
- AdditionalServiceAn additional service is an add on for any release
- AdditionalServiceBundleAdditional Services bundled together for cost savings
- AdminAddedComposerA Notification with type: admin_added_composer
- AdminAssertedRightsA Notification with type: admin_asserted_rights
- AdminCreatedPoliciesA Notification with type: admin_created_policies
- AdminPayeeAssetSplitAcceptedA Notification with type : admin_payee_asset_split_accepted
- AdminPayeeAssetSplitRejectedA Notification with type : admin_payee_asset_split_rejected
- AdminPayeeAssetSplitTerminatedA Notification with type: admin_payee_asset_split_terminated
- AdminUpdatedComposerA Notification with type: admin_updated_composer
- AdminUpdatedOwnershipA Notification with type: admin_updated_ownership
- AdminUpdatedPoliciesA Notification with type: admin_updated_policies
- AgreementAn agreement template which can be signed by a User. There are several categories. Once an agreement is signed, a SignedAgreement is created.
- AlbumCollection of medias to be sent out under an album to partner networks
- AlbumMetadataThe metadata on an album
- AppleMusicArtistAnalyticsApple Music Artist Analytics
- AppleMusicDataPointThe analytics for an apple music track on a given date
- ArtistAn artist profile
- ArtistUpdatedA Notification with type: artist_updated
- AudiomackUserAn Audiomack User
- AuthErrorA Notification with type: auth_error
- BalanceAdjustmentRepresents a transactional update to the balance of an earnings client
- BalanceAdjustmentsWrapper for balance_adjustments with a pagination cursor for created_at.
- BalanceHistoryDateSummariesCursorInputCursor input object for BalanceHistoryDateSummariesCursor
- BalanceHistoryDateSummarySummary of all balance adjustments that occurred for a user on a specific date.
- BroadcastWhen content (Media or Album) is released (Release), the destinations (Networks) are indicated by the Release's list of Broadcasts. The Broadcast object contains details and status information that can be used to determine a piece of content's live-status on a Network. Note that one piece of content can have multiple releases, and in some cases one piece of content may have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network on different Releases; however, a single release should never have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network.
- CashAdvanceRecoupmentA label client advance recoupment
- CashAdvanceRecoupmentCreatedA Notification with type: cash_advance_recoupment_created
- ChartDataPointThe analytics for a track on a given date
- ComposerA Composer
- ConfirmPasswordPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConfirmPassword
- CreateAlbumReleaseInputAutogenerated input type of CreateAlbumRelease
- CreateJwtPayloadAutogenerated return type of CreateJwt
- CreateReleaseInputAutogenerated input type of CreateRelease
- DailyAudioAnalyticsDaily Audio Analytics
- DailyInstagramInsightsThe Instagram page insights for a specific day
- DailymotionAuthErrorA Notification with type: dailymotion_auth_error
- DailymotionUserA dailymotion user
- DeploymentConfirmedA Notification with type: deployment_confirmed
- DeploymentScheduledA Notification with type: deployment_scheduled
- FacebookArtistAnalyticsFacebook Artist Analytics
- FacebookAuthErrorA Notification with type: facebook_auth_error
- FacebookDataPointThe analytics for an facebook video on a given date
- FacebookPageA facebook page
- FileUploadFile uploaded for a Media, Album, Message, or another resource
- GenericA fallback Notification type for when a developer makes a mistake.
- InsightsAvailableNetworkAn analytics network for a media and its oldest date with data
- InstagramArtistAnalyticsInstagram Artist Analytics
- InstagramArtistAudienceAnalyticsInstagram Artist Audience Analytics
- InstagramBusinessAccountAn Instagram business account
- InstagramDataPointThe analytics for an instagram video on a given date
- InstagramUserAn Instagram user
- JWTReturnPayloadThe return payload from the JWT helper method
- MediaAn artist's media
- MergeCompletedA Notification with type: merge_completed
- MergeConflictA Notification with type: merge_conflict
- MessageA Message
- MonthlyNetworkRevenueNetwork Revenue of an Top Artist
- MonthlyNetworkRevenuesCursorInputCursor input object for MonthlyNetworkRevenuesCursor
- NewAdminMessageA Notification with type: new_admin_message
- NewConflictA Notification with type: new_conflict
- NewFacebookImportA Notification with type: new_facebook_import
- NewInstagramImportA Notification with type: new_instagram_import
- NewMergeRequestA Notification with type: new_merge_request
- NewMessageA Notification with type: new_message
- NewYoutubeImportA Notification with type: new_youtube_import
- NotificationA user Notification
- OrganizationAn organization
- OrganizationInviteAcceptedA Notification with type: organization_invite_accepted
- OrganizationReleaseCreatedA Notification with type: organization_release_created
- PayeeAssetSplitA payor shared an asset with a payee
- PayeeAssetSplitAcceptedA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_accepted
- PayeeAssetSplitExistingUserInviteA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_existing_user_invite
- PayeeAssetSplitExpiredForPayeeA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_expired_for_payee
- PayeeAssetSplitExpiredForPayorA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_expired_for_payor
- PayeeAssetSplitRejectedA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_rejected
- PayeeAssetSplitTerminatedA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_terminated
- PayeeInviteAn invite from a payor to a payee
- PayeeMediaSplitA media and its associated payee asset fields for a payee invitation
- PolicyA metadata's policies
- ProcessingFinishedA Notification with type: processing_finished
- QuarterlyEarningsA top media with its earnings information
- QueryThe query root of this schema
- RankedMediaA top media with its earnings information
- ReleaseA one of a user's Releases
- ReleaseCalendarItemA Release Calendar Item
- RevenueByMonthA representation of earnings during one month
- RightAn artist's media metadata's right
- RoyaltyCenterTipaltiAddedA Notification with type: royalty_center_tipalti_added
- SalesTrendsByDateSales Trends By Date
- SignedAgreementA signed agreement between Vydia and a User
- SocialA users social
- SplitTestA split test or a/b test experiment which allows a limited set of specific variants
- SpotifyArtistAnalyticsSpotify Artist Analytics
- SpotifyDataPointThe analytics for a spotify track on a given date
- SpotifyUserA Spotify User
- StatementA single period
- StatusUpdatedA Notification with type: status_updated
- SubscriptionOne of a user's subscriptions
- SyncConfigSocial Sync Configuration Object is when user opts for social sync. This object contains IDs for each social the user opts syncing for
- TestExampleA split specific split test experiment which has been dynamically defined, implements Interfaces::Experiment, and sets its own allowed variants Enum type
- TipaltiPayeeDetailsUpdatedA Notification with type: tipalti_payee_details_updated
- TransactionA user's transaction
- TransactionsWrapper for transactions with a pagination cursor for created_at.
- TwitterAuthErrorA Notification with type: twitter_auth_error
- TwitterUserA Twitter User
- UploadFailedA Notification with type: upload_failed
- UploadFinishedA Notification with type: upload_finished
- UserA user account. All fields are for an authorized user, except for email
- UserAddedComposerA Notification with type: user_added_composer
- UserAgreementan user agreement to Vydia agreeing to a royalty split, contains information about the expiration
- UserAssertedRightsA Notification with type: user_asserted_rights
- UserCreatedPoliciesA Notification with type: user_created_policies
- UserUpdatedComposerA Notification with type: user_updated_composer
- UserUpdatedOwnershipA Notification with type: user_updated_ownership
- UserUpdatedPoliciesA Notification with type: user_updated_policies
- VevoYoutubeChannelA Vevo Channel
- WhitelabelBannerAdA split specific split test experiment which has been dynamically defined, implements Interfaces::Experiment, and sets its own allowed variants Enum type
- YoutubeArtistAnalyticsYoutube Artist Analytics
- YoutubeAuthErrorA Notification with type: youtube_auth_error
- YoutubeChannelA youtube channel
- YoutubeConflictA Youtube conflict for an Asset
- YoutubeConflictTotalsTotal aggregates for Youtube conflicts over medias, or artists, users, or by organization
- YoutubeDataPointThe analytics for a youtube video on a given date
- YoutubeOacPricingA split specific split test experiment which has been dynamically defined, implements Interfaces::Experiment, and sets its own allowed variants Enum type
- YoutubeUgcA Youtube claim for video
- YoutubeUgcClaimsReportInformation about Youtube UGC Claims report, One of the report source for ugc_claims_report_cursor on media