Represents true
or false
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Boolean
link Require by
- A2VConversionFailedA Notification with type: a2v_conversion_failed
- AcceptAgreementInputAutogenerated input type of AcceptAgreement
- AcceptPayeeAssetSplitInputAutogenerated input type of AcceptPayeeAssetSplit
- AcceptPayeeInvitationInputAutogenerated input type of AcceptPayeeInvitation
- AcceptRcaInputAutogenerated input type of AcceptRca
- AcceptTermsAndConditionsInputAutogenerated input type of AcceptTermsAndConditions
- AcceptUclaInputAutogenerated input type of AcceptUcla
- AdBannerAsset Revenue of a user
- AdditionalArtistObjectAdditional Artist or Collaborator
- AdditionalServiceAn additional service is an add on for any release
- AdditionalServiceBundlesCursorInputCursor input object for AdditionalServiceBundlesCursor
- AdditionalServicesCursorInputCursor input object for AdditionalServicesCursor
- AdminAddedComposerA Notification with type: admin_added_composer
- AdminAssertedRightsA Notification with type: admin_asserted_rights
- AdminCreatedPoliciesA Notification with type: admin_created_policies
- AdminPayeeAssetSplitAcceptedA Notification with type : admin_payee_asset_split_accepted
- AdminPayeeAssetSplitRejectedA Notification with type : admin_payee_asset_split_rejected
- AdminPayeeAssetSplitTerminatedA Notification with type: admin_payee_asset_split_terminated
- AdminUpdatedComposerA Notification with type: admin_updated_composer
- AdminUpdatedOwnershipA Notification with type: admin_updated_ownership
- AdminUpdatedPoliciesA Notification with type: admin_updated_policies
- AgreementAn agreement template which can be signed by a User. There are several categories. Once an agreement is signed, a SignedAgreement is created.
- AlbumCollection of medias to be sent out under an album to partner networks
- AlbumsProvides a page of data for albums, with other properties useful for implementing a paged list UI
- AnalyticsPlaylistAn AnalyticsPlaylist
- AnalyticsPlaylistsAnalytics playlist information
- AnalyticsTopGeocountryCursorInputCursor input object for AnalyticsTopGeocountryCursor
- AppleMusicPlaylistInformation about an Apple Music playlist
- ArchivePayeeAssetSplitsInputAutogenerated input type of ArchivePayeeAssetSplits
- ArchivePayeeInviteInputAutogenerated input type of ArchivePayeeInvite
- ArtistAn artist profile
- ArtistsCursorInputCursor input object for ArtistsCursor
- ArtistUpdatedA Notification with type: artist_updated
- AudioAnalyticsByAgegroupCursorInputCursor input object for AudioAnalyticsByAgegroupCursor
- AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursorInputCursor input object for AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursor
- AudioAnalyticsByDeviceCursorInputCursor input object for AudioAnalyticsByDeviceCursor
- AudioAnalyticsByGenderCursorInputCursor input object for AudioAnalyticsByGenderCursor
- AudioAnalyticsBySourceCursorInputCursor input object for AudioAnalyticsBySourceCursor
- AudioAnalyticsCursorInputCursor input object for AudioAnalyticsCursor
- AudiomackUserAn Audiomack User
- AuthErrorA Notification with type: auth_error
- BalanceAdjustmentsWrapper for balance_adjustments with a pagination cursor for created_at.
- BrandingA Branding object contains all of a whitelabel organization's brand information and asset urls
- BroadcastWhen content (Media or Album) is released (Release), the destinations (Networks) are indicated by the Release's list of Broadcasts. The Broadcast object contains details and status information that can be used to determine a piece of content's live-status on a Network. Note that one piece of content can have multiple releases, and in some cases one piece of content may have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network on different Releases; however, a single release should never have multiple Broadcasts for the same Network.
- CancelSyncInputAutogenerated input type of CancelSync
- CashAdvanceRecoupmentCreatedA Notification with type: cash_advance_recoupment_created
- ChangePasswordInputAutogenerated input type of ChangePassword
- CollaboratingArtistA collaborating artist to a metadata or album
- ComposerA Composer
- ConfirmPasswordInputAutogenerated input type of ConfirmPassword
- ConfirmVIPPlanInputAutogenerated input type of ConfirmVIPPlan
- ConnectFbAndIgToArtistInputAutogenerated input type of ConnectFbAndIgToArtist
- CreateAlbumInputAutogenerated input type of CreateAlbum
- CreateAlbumReleaseInputAutogenerated input type of CreateAlbumRelease
- CreateArtistInputAutogenerated input type of CreateArtist
- CreateAssetsInputAutogenerated input type of CreateAssets
- CreateCashAdvanceRecoupmentInputAutogenerated input type of CreateCashAdvanceRecoupment
- CreateCompContentInputAutogenerated input type of CreateCompContent
- CreateComposerInputAutogenerated input type of CreateComposer
- CreateEarningsStatementTransformationInputAutogenerated input type of CreateEarningsStatementTransformation
- CreateJwtInputAutogenerated input type of CreateJwt
- CreateMediaInputAutogenerated input type of CreateMedia
- CreateMediasInputAutogenerated input type of CreateMedias
- CreateMessageInputAutogenerated input type of CreateMessage
- CreatePayeeAssetSplitsInputAutogenerated input type of CreatePayeeAssetSplits
- CreatePayeeInvitationInputAutogenerated input type of CreatePayeeInvitation
- CreateReleaseInputAutogenerated input type of CreateRelease
- CreateWhitelabelUserInputAutogenerated input type of CreateWhitelabelUser
- DailymotionAuthErrorA Notification with type: dailymotion_auth_error
- DailymotionUserA dailymotion user
- DeleteAlbumsInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteAlbums
- DeleteArtistInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteArtist
- DeleteDataInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteData
- DeleteMediaInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteMedia
- DeleteMediasInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteMedias
- DeleteUserRequestInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteUserRequest
- DeploymentConfirmedA Notification with type: deployment_confirmed
- DeploymentScheduledA Notification with type: deployment_scheduled
- DisconnectDailymotionUserFromArtistInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectDailymotionUserFromArtist
- DisconnectFacebookPageFromArtistInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectFacebookPageFromArtist
- DisconnectInstagramBusinessAccountFromArtistInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectInstagramBusinessAccountFromArtist
- DisconnectServiceInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectService
- DisconnectSocialAccountFromArtistInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectSocialAccountFromArtist
- DisconnectTwitterUserFromArtistInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectTwitterUserFromArtist
- DisconnectYoutubeChannelFromArtistInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectYoutubeChannelFromArtist
- DowngradeBroadcastsInputAutogenerated input type of DowngradeBroadcasts
- DowngradeStorageTierInputAutogenerated input type of DowngradeStorageTier
- EditComposerObjectComposer Object
- EditOrganizationUserInputAutogenerated input type of EditOrganizationUser
- EditRightsObjectRights Object
- FacebookAuthErrorA Notification with type: facebook_auth_error
- FacebookPageA facebook page
- FileObjectFile Object
- FinishGoalInputAutogenerated input type of FinishGoal
- GenerateAlbumSlugInputAutogenerated input type of GenerateAlbumSlug
- GenerateAWSV4SignatureInputAutogenerated input type of GenerateAWSV4Signature
- GenerateIsrcInputAutogenerated input type of GenerateIsrc
- GenerateOneTimeLoginTokenInputAutogenerated input type of GenerateOneTimeLoginToken
- GenerateS3MultipartUploadInputAutogenerated input type of GenerateS3MultipartUpload
- GenerateUpcInputAutogenerated input type of GenerateUpc
- GenericA fallback Notification type for when a developer makes a mistake.
- GroupedBalanceAdjustmentRepresents balance adjustments grouped by network
- ImportInstagramVideosInputAutogenerated input type of ImportInstagramVideos
- ImportVideoInputAutogenerated input type of ImportVideo
- IngestLabelUsersAndArtistsInputAutogenerated input type of IngestLabelUsersAndArtists
- InstagramBusinessAccountAn Instagram business account
- InstagramUserAn Instagram user
- InviteOrganizationUserInputAutogenerated input type of InviteOrganizationUser
- JWTReturnPayloadThe return payload from the JWT helper method
- MarkAsReadInputAutogenerated input type of MarkAsRead
- MarkAsReadPayloadAutogenerated return type of MarkAsRead
- MediaAn artist's media
- MediasWrapper for medias with an any_more_results argument
- MediasV2CursorInputCursor input object for MediasV2Cursor
- MergeCompletedA Notification with type: merge_completed
- MergeConflictA Notification with type: merge_conflict
- MessagesCursorInputCursor input object for MessagesCursor
- MetadataA artist's media's metadata used in rendering template for partner
- MonthHasDataInformation about whether or not a month has any data
- NetworkOne of a user's Release's broadcast's networks
- NewAdminMessageA Notification with type: new_admin_message
- NewComposerObjectComposer Object
- NewConflictA Notification with type: new_conflict
- NewFacebookImportA Notification with type: new_facebook_import
- NewInstagramImportA Notification with type: new_instagram_import
- NewMergeRequestA Notification with type: new_merge_request
- NewMessageA Notification with type: new_message
- NewRightsObjectRights Object
- NewYoutubeImportA Notification with type: new_youtube_import
- NoticeA status message or informational message meant to be displayed to the active user in the Application UI
- NotificationA user Notification
- NotificationsWrapper for notifications with a any_more_results field
- NotifyA2VUploadInputAutogenerated input type of NotifyA2VUpload
- NotifyMediaUploadInputAutogenerated input type of NotifyMediaUpload
- NotifyUploadCompleteInputAutogenerated input type of NotifyUploadComplete
- OauthSignInInputAutogenerated input type of OauthSignIn
- ObserveUserInputAutogenerated input type of ObserveUser
- OrganizationAn organization
- OrganizationInviteAcceptedA Notification with type: organization_invite_accepted
- OrganizationReleaseCreatedA Notification with type: organization_release_created
- PayeeAssetSplitAcceptedA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_accepted
- PayeeAssetSplitExistingUserInviteA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_existing_user_invite
- PayeeAssetSplitExpiredForPayeeA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_expired_for_payee
- PayeeAssetSplitExpiredForPayorA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_expired_for_payor
- PayeeAssetSplitRejectedA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_rejected
- PayeeAssetSplitTerminatedA Notification with type: payee_asset_split_terminated
- PayeeInviteAn invite from a payor to a payee
- PayeeInvitesWrapper for payee_invites with a any_more_results and count field
- PayeeInvitesV2CursorInputCursor input object for PayeeInvitesV2Cursor
- PolicyA metadata's policies
- PresignedUrlInputAutogenerated input type of PresignedUrl
- ProcessingFinishedA Notification with type: processing_finished
- QueryThe query root of this schema
- ReadNotificationInputAutogenerated input type of ReadNotification
- ReadNotificationsInputAutogenerated input type of ReadNotifications
- RejectPayeeAssetSplitInputAutogenerated input type of RejectPayeeAssetSplit
- ReleaseA one of a user's Releases
- ReleaseCalendarItemA Release Calendar Item
- ReleaseConfirmationInputAutogenerated input type of ReleaseConfirmation
- ReleasesWrapper for releases with an any_more_results argument
- RequestVevoChannelInputAutogenerated input type of RequestVevoChannel
- ResendConfirmationEmailInputAutogenerated input type of ResendConfirmationEmail
- ResendPayeeInviteInputAutogenerated input type of ResendPayeeInvite
- ResendWelcomeInvitationInputAutogenerated input type of ResendWelcomeInvitation
- RightAn artist's media metadata's right
- RoyaltyCenterTipaltiAddedA Notification with type: royalty_center_tipalti_added
- SalesTrendsInputCursor input object for SalesTrends
- SendBalanceHistoryDetailsReportInputAutogenerated input type of SendBalanceHistoryDetailsReport
- SendMediaAnalyticsReportInputAutogenerated input type of SendMediaAnalyticsReport
- SendOTPCodeInputAutogenerated input type of SendOTPCode
- SendResetPasswordEmailInputAutogenerated input type of SendResetPasswordEmail
- SendRoyaltyCenterPaymentHistoryInputAutogenerated input type of SendRoyaltyCenterPaymentHistory
- SendYoutubeConflictsReportInputAutogenerated input type of SendYoutubeConflictsReport
- SignedAgreementA signed agreement between Vydia and a User
- SignedAgreementsCursor for SignedAgreements
- SignInUserInputAutogenerated input type of SignInUser
- SkipOtpVerificationInputAutogenerated input type of SkipOtpVerification
- SocialA users social
- SpotifyPlaylistInformation about a Spotify playlist
- SpotifyUserA Spotify User
- StatusUpdatedA Notification with type: status_updated
- StorageTierA storage tier
- StorageTierChargeA tier permission's charge
- SubmitCaptchaInputAutogenerated input type of SubmitCaptcha
- SyncConfigSocial Sync Configuration Object is when user opts for social sync. This object contains IDs for each social the user opts syncing for
- TipaltiPayeeDetailsUpdatedA Notification with type: tipalti_payee_details_updated
- ToggleOtpMfaInputAutogenerated input type of ToggleOtpMfa
- TopAlbumMediasCursorInputCursor input object for TopAlbumMediasCursor
- TopAlbumsCursorInputCursor input object for TopAlbumsCursor
- TopArtistsCursorInputCursor input object for TopArtistsCursor
- TopGeocountryCursorInputCursor input object for TopGeocountryCursor
- TopMediasCursorInputCursor input object for TopMediasCursor
- TopUsersCursorInputCursor input object for TopUsersCursor
- TransactionsWrapper for transactions with a pagination cursor for created_at.
- TwitterAuthErrorA Notification with type: twitter_auth_error
- TwitterUserA Twitter User
- UgcClaimsReportCursorUgc Claims Report
- UnarchivePayeeInviteInputAutogenerated input type of UnarchivePayeeInvite
- UpdateAlbumArtworkInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateAlbumArtwork
- UpdateAlbumLinksInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateAlbumLinks
- UpdateAlbumMediaIdsInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateAlbumMediaIds
- UpdateAlbumMetadataInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateAlbumMetadata
- UpdateArtistAppleEidInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateArtistAppleEid
- UpdateArtistInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateArtist
- UpdateArtistSpotifyEidInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateArtistSpotifyEid
- UpdateBroadcastStatusInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateBroadcastStatus
- UpdateCategoryInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateCategory
- UpdateComposerInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateComposer
- UpdateMediaArtistInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateMediaArtist
- UpdateMetadataInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateMetadata
- UpdateOwnershipAndPoliciesInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateOwnershipAndPolicies
- UpdateRightsInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateRights
- UpdateSeenFeaturesInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateSeenFeatures
- UpdateSocialSyncInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateSocialSync
- UpdateUserInputAutogenerated input type of UpdateUser
- UpgradeArtistsInputAutogenerated input type of UpgradeArtists
- UploadFailedA Notification with type: upload_failed
- UploadFinishedA Notification with type: upload_finished
- UserA user account. All fields are for an authorized user, except for email
- UserAddedComposerA Notification with type: user_added_composer
- UserAssertedRightsA Notification with type: user_asserted_rights
- UserCreatedPoliciesA Notification with type: user_created_policies
- UsersCursorInputCursor input object for UsersCursor
- UserUpdatedComposerA Notification with type: user_updated_composer
- UserUpdatedOwnershipA Notification with type: user_updated_ownership
- UserUpdatedPoliciesA Notification with type: user_updated_policies
- VerifyOTPCodeInputAutogenerated input type of VerifyOTPCode
- VevoYoutubeChannelA Vevo Channel
- YoutubeAuthErrorA Notification with type: youtube_auth_error
- YoutubeChannelA youtube channel
- YoutubeConflictA Youtube conflict for an Asset
- YoutubeConflictsCursorInputCursor input object for YoutubeConflictsCursor
- YoutubeUgcCursorInputCursor input object for YoutubeUgcCursor
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.