
An artist profile

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Artist {
  • active_audiomack_users: [AudiomackUser!]!
  • active_dailymotion_users: [DailymotionUser!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Arguments
  • # needs_reconnect: [Not documented]
  • # passthrough_ids: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • active_facebook_pages(
  • needs_reconnect: Boolean,
  • passthrough_ids: [ID!],
  • limit: Int
  • ): [FacebookPage!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # List out all non-syncing facebook pages
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • active_facebook_pages_not_syncing(
  • limit: Int!
  • ): [FacebookPage!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Arguments
  • # needs_reconnect: [Not documented]
  • # passthrough_ids: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • active_instagram_business_accounts(
  • needs_reconnect: Boolean,
  • passthrough_ids: [ID!],
  • limit: Int
  • ): [InstagramBusinessAccount!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • active_instagram_users: [InstagramUser!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: field deprecated use `Artist.active_instagram_business_accounts` instead" )
  • # number of premium accounts that are active for an artist
  • active_premium_count: Int!
  • # number of social that are active for an artist
  • active_social_count: Int!
  • active_spotify_users: [SpotifyUser!]!
  • active_twitter_users: [TwitterUser!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # needs_reconnect: [Not documented]
  • # passthrough_ids: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • active_youtube_channels(
  • needs_reconnect: Boolean,
  • passthrough_ids: [ID!],
  • limit: Int
  • ): [YoutubeChannel!]!
  • # List out all non-syncing youtube channels
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • active_youtube_channels_not_syncing(
  • limit: Int!
  • ): [YoutubeChannel!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is not currently used in any application" )
  • # Additional service bundles for this artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • additional_service_bundles(
  • input: AdditionalServiceBundlesCursorInput
  • ): [AdditionalServiceBundle!]!
  • # Count of additional service bundles for this artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • additional_service_bundles_count(
  • input: AdditionalServiceBundlesCursorInput
  • ): Int!
  • # Additional services for this artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • additional_services(input: AdditionalServicesCursorInput): [AdditionalService!]!
  • # Count of additional services for this artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • additional_services_count(
  • input: AdditionalServicesCursorInput
  • ): Int!
  • # Flag to check if any socials needs reconnection
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # socials: [Not documented]
  • any_socials_need_reconnect(
  • socials: [ReconnectableSocial!]!
  • ): Boolean!
  • apple_eid: String
  • # artist analytics for apple music
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • apple_music_artist_analytics(
  • input: AppleMusicArtistAnalyticsCursorInput
  • ): [AppleMusicArtistAnalytics!]!
  • # Flag to check if the artist is archived
  • archived: Boolean!
  • # artist analytics by country
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • audio_analytics_by_country(
  • input: AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursorInput
  • ): [AudioAnalyticsByCountry!]!
  • # any more artist analytics by country
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • audio_analytics_by_country_any_more_results(
  • input: AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursorInput
  • ): Boolean!
  • # count of artist analytics by country
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • audio_analytics_by_country_count(
  • input: AudioAnalyticsByCountryCursorInput
  • ): Int!
  • audiomack: String
  • # URL to connect Audiomack account to this artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • audiomack_connect_url(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String
  • ): String!
  • audiomack_eid: String
  • # Available network extras for a release
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # network_ids: [Not documented]
  • available_network_extras(network_ids: [ID!]!): [NetworkExtra!]!
  • beatport: String
  • # Biography about the artist
  • bio: String!
  • bullet_points: [String!]!
  • can_connect_audiomack: Boolean!
  • can_connect_spotify: Boolean!
  • chartmetric_eid: String @deprecated( reason: "Chartmetric is deprecated" )
  • cla_signed_at: DateTime
  • client_revenue: Float!
  • # When the artist was created
  • created_at: DateTime!
  • default_copyright_name: String
  • default_copyright_year: Int
  • default_genre: String
  • # Default genre enum for this artist
  • default_genre_enum: Genre
  • default_label_name: String
  • default_language_code: String
  • # Default language code enum for this artist
  • default_language_code_enum: MediaLanguageCode
  • default_secondary_genre: String
  • # Default secondary genre enum for this artist
  • default_secondary_genre_enum: Genre
  • facebook: String
  • # artist analytics for facebook
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • facebook_artist_analytics(
  • input: FacebookArtistAnalyticsCursorInput
  • ): [FacebookArtistAnalytics!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • # url_type: [Not documented]
  • # instagram: [Not documented]
  • facebook_connect_url(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String,
  • url_type: String,
  • instagram: Boolean
  • ): String!
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • facebook_reconnect_url(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String
  • ): String! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • facebook_reconnect_url_web(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String
  • ): String!
  • # Find artist name on specified network
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # network: [Not documented]
  • fetch_artists_by_network(
  • network: NetworkPlaylistSource!
  • ): [NetworkApiArtist!]!
  • has_pending_vevo_channel: Boolean!
  • has_vevo_channel: Boolean!
  • id: ID!
  • # default image path
  • image_path: String!
  • instagram: String
  • # artist analytics for instagram
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • instagram_artist_analytics(
  • input: InstagramArtistAnalyticsCursorInput
  • ): [InstagramArtistAnalytics!]!
  • # artist analytics for instagram audience
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • instagram_artist_audience_analytics(
  • input: InstagramArtistAudienceAnalyticsCursorInput
  • ): [InstagramArtistAudienceAnalytics!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • instagram_reconnect_url_web(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String
  • ): String!
  • is_syncing_facebook: Boolean! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • is_syncing_instagram_business: Boolean! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • is_syncing_youtube: Boolean! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • itunes: String
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # sort_by: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • # search_term: [Not documented]
  • # supports_release: [Not documented]
  • # with_file_upload: [Not documented]
  • medias(
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • sort_by: String,
  • sort_order: String,
  • search_term: String,
  • supports_release: Boolean,
  • with_file_upload: Boolean
  • ): [Media!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: non cursor fields are deprecated use `Artist.medias_cursor` instead" )
  • # List out all the medias for the current artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # sort_by: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • # search_term: [Not documented]
  • # supports_release: [Not documented]
  • # with_file_upload: [Not documented]
  • # unprotected: [Not documented]
  • # generator: [Not documented]
  • # ids: [Not documented]
  • # audio_type: [Not documented]
  • medias_cursor(
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • sort_by: String,
  • sort_order: String,
  • search_term: String,
  • supports_release: Boolean,
  • with_file_upload: Boolean,
  • unprotected: Boolean,
  • generator: Generator,
  • ids: [ID!],
  • audio_type: Boolean
  • ): Medias!
  • # Name of an artist
  • name: String!
  • # Chartmetric network analytics
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # chart: [Not documented]
  • network_analytics(
  • chart: ArtistNetworkAnalyticsChart!
  • ): AnalyticsChart @deprecated( reason: "Chartmetric is deprecated" )
  • oldest_instagram_business_polled_at: DateTime @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • paid_monetize: Boolean!
  • paid_until: DateTime
  • # Arguments
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # source: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • # sort_by: [Not documented]
  • # sort_order: [Not documented]
  • playlists_analytics_cursor(
  • limit: Int!,
  • offset: Int!,
  • source: NetworkPlaylistSource!,
  • status: NetworkPlaylistStatus!,
  • sort_by: PlaylistAnalyticsSortBy,
  • sort_order: SortOrder
  • ): AnalyticsPlaylists!
  • # Number of posts by an artist
  • posts: Int!
  • powered_by_vydia: Boolean!
  • # List of premium socials deployable or not for an artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # deployable: [Not documented]
  • premium_socials(deployable: Boolean): [Social!]!
  • # Name of the language that corresponds to the default language code
  • pretty_default_language: String
  • pretty_media_cid_claims_count: String!
  • # List out all releases for the current artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • releases(
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • status: String
  • ): [Release!]! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: non cursor fields are deprecated use `Artists.releases_cursor` instead" )
  • # Get the number of releases of a given type for the artist.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • releases_count(
  • status: String
  • ): Int! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: non cursor fields are deprecated use `Artists.releases_cursor` instead" )
  • # List out all releases for the current artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # offset: [Not documented]
  • # limit: [Not documented]
  • # status: [Not documented]
  • releases_cursor(
  • offset: Int,
  • limit: Int,
  • status: String
  • ): Releases! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • site: String
  • # List out social by deployer_name and id
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # id: [Not documented]
  • # deployer_name: [Not documented]
  • social_by_deployer_name_and_id(
  • id: ID!,
  • deployer_name: String!
  • ): Social! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # List of socials deployable or not for an artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # deployable: [Not documented]
  • socials(deployable: Boolean): [Social!]!
  • soundcloud: String
  • spotify: String
  • # artist analytics for spotify
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • spotify_artist_analytics(
  • input: SpotifyArtistAnalyticsCursorInput
  • ): [SpotifyArtistAnalytics!]!
  • # URL to connect Spotify account to this artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • spotify_connect_url(success_path: String, error_path: String): String!
  • spotify_eid: String
  • sum_social_facebook_likes: Int!
  • sum_social_twitter_followers: Int!
  • sum_social_youtube_views: Int!
  • thumbnail_url: String!
  • # Top artists for the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • top_medias(input: TopMediasCursorInput): [TopMedia!]!
  • # Any more top medias in this organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • top_medias_any_more_results(
  • input: TopMediasCursorInput
  • ): Boolean!
  • # Count of top artists for the organization
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • top_medias_count(input: TopMediasCursorInput): Int!
  • # Total followers count on connected instagram business accounts
  • total_followers_count: Int!
  • tumblr: String
  • twitter: String
  • # URL to connect Twitter account to this artist
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • twitter_connect_url(success_path: String, error_path: String): String!
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • twitter_reconnect_url(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String
  • ): String!
  • unprotected_medias: [Media!]!
  • user: User!
  • user_id: ID!
  • vevo_channel_created_at: DateTime
  • vevo_channel_type: String
  • vevo_user: String
  • videos_monetized: Int!
  • # Number of unprotected videos for an artist
  • videos_unprotected: Int!
  • # Number of videos uploaded for an artist
  • videos_uploaded: Int!
  • # artist analytics for youtube
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_artist_analytics(
  • input: YoutubeArtistAnalyticsCursorInput
  • ): [YoutubeArtistAnalytics!]!
  • youtube_channel_url: String
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_conflict_totals(
  • input: YoutubeConflictsCursorInput
  • ): [YoutubeConflictTotals!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_conflicts(input: YoutubeConflictsCursorInput): [YoutubeConflict!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_conflicts_any_more_results(
  • input: YoutubeConflictsCursorInput
  • ): Boolean!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_conflicts_count(
  • input: YoutubeConflictsCursorInput
  • ): Int!
  • # When the most recent YouTube Conflicts report was ingested into Vydia's Database
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_conflicts_latest_reports_ingested_at(
  • input: YoutubeConflictsCursorInput
  • ): DateTime!
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • youtube_connect_url(success_path: String, error_path: String): String!
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • youtube_reconnect_url(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String
  • ): String! @deprecated( reason: "WARNING: this field is only used in legacy applications" )
  • # Arguments
  • # success_path: [Not documented]
  • # error_path: [Not documented]
  • youtube_reconnect_url_web(
  • success_path: String,
  • error_path: String
  • ): String!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc(input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput): [YoutubeUgc!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_any_more_results(
  • input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput
  • ): Boolean!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_count(input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput): Int!
  • # When the most recent YouTube Ugc report was ingested into Vydia's Database
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_latest_reports_ingested_at(
  • input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput
  • ): DateTime!
  • # Arguments
  • # input: [Not documented]
  • youtube_ugc_totals(input: YoutubeUgcCursorInput): [YoutubeUgcTotals!]!
  • }

link Require by